A few trusted partners, collaborations, media & press…

L’univers de Lina et sa sensibilité m’ont tout de suite séduite. Sa joie et son énergie aussi. Je trouve que les valeurs qu’elle porte, son attention au vivant, au végétal, son amour de la nature, correspondent parfaitement à la philosophie d’Océopin. C’est tout naturellement que je lui ai proposé d’être le visage de ma marque. Elle incarne une beauté libre, solaire et généreuse qui résonne je crois chez beaucoup d’entre nous. ♥️
— Marina, OCEOPIN

Collaborations & Partnerships

With Holistic Naturopathy, sustainable cooking and Intuitive educations Lina Bou, founder and creative director of Ronia Terra, wants to inspire purposeful and honest living. To connect, inspire, motivate and encourage people to realize their dreams and live in alignment with their own truth.

Lina navigates life experiences in pursuit of living in harmony with nature and unlocking true happiness.

With Ronia Terra we are seeking value aligned partnerships to share stories of innovative brands & organizations who are committed to creating products and services that are good for people and the planet. 

If you're interested in a collaboration, complete the partnership request form below for more information.