Hello, welcome to Ronia Terra!


At Ronia Terra, we are driven by a deep love and passion for nature, beauty, and healing arts. Our mission is to reconnect individuals to the earth and themselves through sustainable practices, memorable moments and creative expression.

We strive to redefine work ethics, cooking- and sourcing methods to align with our values, that includes happy and inspired team atmosphere as a very important pillar.

Our philosophy is quality over quantity, and it is important in all our work, included in every service as we take careful time to orchestrate the dream of our clients.

For us health does not mean restrictive diets and far-away sourced ingredients but creating with what is offered to us at the moment. We believe in listening to our bodies, observing seasonal cycles, and finding balance in all aspects of life, without the pressure to constantly consume and conform. We love good wine, dance as well as abundance of vegetables on our soirée.

Ronia Terra is not afraid to forge our own path, using culinary and visual arts as powerful tools to connect with nature and spark meaningful conversations. Our mission is to build a community that celebrates sustainability, nature, joy, and humanity above all else.

Ronia Terra was founded 2017 by Lina Bou,
that has worked internationally with clients and cultures since 2010.

Carnet Craft Ronia Terra

Original Design by Lina Bou for Notebook with Carnet Craft Paris


After working by her own name for many years, Lina Bou grew a philosophy and understanding of her services that included a community of like-minded people with a similar philosophy.

Behind the name Ronia Terra, lays an important figure of a wild child and a mythology goddess bridging healing and fertility with intuition and playfulness.

At Ronia Terra, Natura Sophia is the home and the teacher.



The sparkle of this universe, the seeds of the flowers, the voice behind those letters, are more than many.

We could go back far to present you the members of the Ronia Terra Community, beyond physical realms and existing lives.

The family beyond Ronia Terra is everything, and without the united forces in this journey, we wouldn’t be here. Truth is, we need each other.

Channeled through mostly the presence of Lina, I want to thank Max, Yasa, Jen, Rosenda, Summer, Justine, Isabel, Bo, Ainoa, Caro, Thor, Jake & Alexie that have been and still are important seeds on this journey.

May you and I meet somewhere, and make this family bigger and stronger.


Thank you for being here.